I am WELL and that is an understatement of Huge Proportion….

I am well. And that is an understatement of huge proportion. I am as I have never been before in this lifetime. Which is to say that I am free, I am full of love and it pours in and out, whether there is a "lover" or there are "love hers". 

I have been blessed to be connected with 3 women that arose out of my medicine work and with their accompaniment through counseling, ceremony and initiation, I have uncovered my long cloaked point of repeated suffering expressed through relationship. Once uncovered, I have lovingly laid it to the side. It has given me all of it's gifts and I no longer have to seek repeated acting out of my own abandonment by the poor souls who try to love me. So clever this one act player who insists on a single script where I play both parts. 

Sweet thing, you can rest now. I've got you.


It opened my eyes to seeing the world a different way…